Captain Liverspots

The Man in the Van with the Propane Tank in his Hand?

@TurboBrick: Apparently you can take the Saab out of GM, but you just can't take the GM out of Saab.

I'm one of those who made the mistake of buying an L series, 2000 LS2 Sedan to be exact. After driving the amazing exploding '88 Regal Custom into the ground, the temporary new-car delirium made the LS2 seem like a quite good car. Alas, after a couple months, the honeymoon ended. The CD player broke twice, the second

Favorite might be a strong word, but I have a soft spot in my heart for my late 1987 Olds Calais. By all rights, it wasn't a very good car, but I'll be damned if that heap didn't go like hell in the snow and ice and get some pretty good gas mileage as well. Had the slightest drop of water not been the distributor's

@PetroSapien: Good god man, do you really want gov't issued hooch? They ain't gonna be doling out Maker's Mark or even Jalopscotch. You just know it'd be some dirty dishwater-looking, plain-white-label "WHISKEY" that clocks in around 120 proof, burns a bit going down and tears a hole through your colon like rust

@Ash78: How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?

@aSoundofSleep: Lewis is a man of great vision. In fact, I think I'd rather have HIM as The Automotive Decider.

@FromaBuick6: +1. Post-college, I inherited my mother's '88 Regal Custom that, as best I can tell, was assembled not in an actual GM factory, but by vo-tech school dropouts (insert UAW joke here) using Elmer's glue, wrong-sized wirenuts and twine atop a desecrated Native American burial ground. Towards the end of its

@Feds: I'd give my right arm to have skills like that.

@Skunky: ...he'd be 18 inches shorter.

We have 3 dogs (because we're fucking STUPID, apparently), ranging between 40 and 90 pounds (see above re: fucking stupid). They travel just fine in general, but the first and last 30 minutes of a road trip were pure hell (and don't ask me how they know it's the last 30 minutes...they just do) in the Outback, even

Huh. So that's what a clusterfuck looks like.

He look-a like a broke-ass Sexual Chocolate.

Believe it or not, the nearby presence of WVU and Fairmont State has led to a lot of transplanted northeasterners in that area.