I want a Maverick Lightning. If EV’s aren’t the perfect way to bring back small trucks, I don’t know what is.
I want a Maverick Lightning. If EV’s aren’t the perfect way to bring back small trucks, I don’t know what is.
“Relatively small bear” is a mama bear with her cubs, and is relatively large enough to seriously fuck up a human.
For me, it’s the fact that a chunk of Uranium smaller than the size of a couch can power an aircraft carrier for 30 years.
Pretty that’s Lauren Sanchez, “entertainment personality” and The View semi-regular so I think we should all give ourselves a break and judge the absolute fuck out of her...
I don’t get the boner for nuke plants.
It’s partly because, had we not hamstrung ourselves and continued to innovate and build reactors, we would ALREADY BE GREEN.
Another notion I’ve had is that we maintain a deliberate over-supply of windmills, and when they’re overproducing use that power for electrolysis since that will be such an effective load sink.
Builders will build a shit-ton of apartments and small houses where they’re allowed to. In my small town of 11,000 we have 120 apartments and 200 1700-SF townhouses on the way. The problem is many of the most desirable places don’t allow small houses or apartments to be built.
People who are trying to gaslight you rely on the back-and-forth.
I didn’t read all you wrote but I agree 100%. This generation is so stupid words have lost their original meaning or flipped entirely. Take “shade” for example. Its current meaning is dissing someone slyly. It used to mean “offering cover or protection”. Like my friend was lying to his wife about his girlfriend and I…
Agreed. I can’t imagine the techs aren’t asking if patients have been vaccinated at this point--this is something to pay attention to and track, and maybe reword the letter so said patient doesn’t wig out, but it’s not some nefarious plot.
I don’t like it when fans “demand” that some celebrity say something or stand up for their causes. It’s creepy and weird. They don’t owe you that. Also, once you “demand” it, then it becomes performative, even if it’s how they truly feel.
Interesting choice featuring a butt plug in the main image. I was unable to find that listed in the actual deals, though. I need me a Valentines day heart shaped surprise!
Interesting choice featuring a butt plug in the main image. I was unable to find that listed in the actual deals,…
Weren’t they supposed to come out with a 3 wheeler too? The people who pre-ordered those haven’t seemed to have had them delivered. This company reeks of vapor
Millennial progressives are fucking ignorant as all hell and their schtick is past annoying and tired at this point.
Wait... what?
YUP. I honestly wonder how many newly identified“non-binary” formerly cis-women these days are really just trying to express their discomfort with societal gender roles pushed on them, and not actually feeling like their sex assigned at birth doesn’t match their innate gender mentally. Like, not wanting to wear pink…
My jaw seriously dropped when I got to that part. Why the fuck would you think Simone Fucking Biles is at risk of drowning?? Presumably she CAN swim if she is investing in this pool, so suggesting she can’t is... not a good look.
Shannon, with due all respect, I think she’s got this. Your headline was not titled correctly. It should have been “Baller Simone Exposes New Pool and Her Shredded Body Preparing for 2021 Olympics”