
I agree on the watering golf resorts during a drought being problematic, but the golfer himself, do they expect him to truck on up to the fires himself and pee on them? Continuing on with your life is OK as long as you aren’t actively making things worse.

Seems to me that the privacy aspect shouldn’t be handled by “looking away” or little physical shields, but rather by pairing a smartphone to each player, so the private stuff shows up on your smartphone, and the public stuff shows up on the table. Kind of like Jackbox.

Here I thought the OBVIOUS thing missing in depections of anti-gravity vehicles is Side Winds!! Seriously those wheels do wonders keeping you going in a straight line in a mild side wind. Anti_grav, not so much.

Driving on a freeway next to a giant truck, it is going to blow you clean off the road. Ever seen a newby

Well if it was carbon free, it wouldn’t be steel now would it?

By definition Steel is an Iron Alloy that contains carbon.

I think what the author means is that no fossil fuels are used to make the steel. Energy to heat it is derived from carbon free energy sources, and the carbon used in the Steel itself comes from

News flash. You can set off a positive test if you inhale someone else’s virus laden droplets hours before you get tested, even if your immune system works ideally and prevents the infection from taking hold.

Anf the truth of the matter is he probably isn’t even actually infected by how we normally define an infection.

We should have withdrawn long ago. I agree it was always an unwinnable war.

That being said, we could have withdrawn in a manner that didn’t result in utter chaos. For example, having a plan to evacuate refugees before we gave the Taliban the keys.

Maybe to people with excellent hearing. To anyone over 30 maybe not.

But they are from a trendy brand and make you seem cooler.

Um yeah no. $150 is still a luxury item for earbuds.

I earn damn neat $200k/yr and I would seriously contemplate before throwing down $150 on some damn earbuds.

Buy the $40 ones, they are nearly just as good, and more affordable for the average person. You are just going to lose them anyway.

I am with you. I think China, having threatened to shut down vendors that allow end to end encryption, wants to build out a system that can cater to the whims of the Chinese government (That is a hell of a lot of iDevices to pass up selling if they got banned in China) but they have the problem that their mostly US

Slippery Slope arguments are totally valid if you can show a logical and likely set of sequences that will occur. In this case the EFF case for a slippery slope is totally valid.

The biggest obstacles to implementing this for autocratic governments is that Apple could always defend itself and say they don’t have the

The problem is that Google will of course be doing the same, but scanning you for advertising rather than crime.

Personally I’d prefer the big tech companies not be the tools of government enforcement, so sell me stuff.

Is it the material that is the problem or the abuse of the child? Don’t get me wrong CSAM is horrible and should definitely be illegal, but what Apple is doing here is specifically looking for already known pictures of abuse. In other words, this whole thing from Apple doesn’t target creators of CP, it targets the

I love in an extremely spotty cell coverage area and I know exactly where my signal drops every time.

I can guarantee you there isn’t a union job in the world that has as good of benefits at the private company I work for (that is hilariously billed as a bad guy by leftists)

Did you have a voice, or did someone else claim to speak for you. Seems that once you have a union, you aren’t even allowed to negotiate for yourself. That doesn’t exactly sound like having a voice.

You should probably encourage her to switch to a system that doesn’t use a proprietary system that won’t play nice with others.

It is a series of three lies and denials.

Fauci definitely vomited purgery, he flat out denied Funding any gain of function at the Wuhan lab (when being called out for earlier denials about funding the Wuhan lab at all) his rebuttal yesterday to the accusation was a strawman diversion where he said that the viruses Sen Paul was talking about couldn’t have

So we have really gotten to the point that we think 4x 10hr shifts is exhausting and that a 60hr week is something you stay bedridden for?

Every manual labor job I have had has had some variation of that since the 80s. This isn’t some new Amazon invention.

AND they make overtime. I have been regularly doing 50-60 hr