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Seriously, I could not handle seeing this live. Is someone cutting onions?

This really needed some Yoko Kanno.

so jealous

guardian mode is best mode. that’s right, screw Gerwalk

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ooooh, music by Ryuichi Sakamoto. that guy is awesome.

i’ve seen a few sakugas with this in it. that show must not mess around.

Virtua Fighter from outta nowhere killed me.

alright, watching it right now.

That last cgi RE film was a damn blast. I would have loved to see it in a theater with other RE fans and watch the crowd gasp as they realize they are cheering Lickers.

i feel really bad for Jontron. he’s let himself go. so much anger

“She finally hosted”.......yeah, cause she’s been a star for so long now.

Where’s a fucking GI Joe game with this damn engine? Or Joes vs Transformers?


Smell in the Cell

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Reminds me of this. jump to about the 50 second mark.

or a Whismur

fuck yes!


“a Sandy Hook truther”.........Wait, what?

i’ll have to give it a watch then.