
Zenigata is always a badass. Its just lupin is such a superbadass he makes zenigata look like a fool. Zenigata is the man, he just happens to be krillin compared to everyone else.

Hey, you cheer who you like. Be it good guy or bad guy.

Go and fuck yourselves Sega. Please go fuck yourself.

Please don’t trip over the 80’s as you exit our museum.

Isn’t it awesome?

Not gonna lie, I’m in love with this color.

Now playing

He had one of my favorite songs on the first Wrestling Album.

I think Monty Python covered that one.

it’s like that Kids in the Hall zombie chase skit.

Vegita no!

maybe if you don’t ever watch tv

Walk past him and go “CORKY! Wooooooo!”

In regards the Gunbike.... I wish my giant metal wang had a wheel in it. My giant metal wang dealer was sold out and I had a date, so I got the wheel less one. I didn’t even like the color. To make a long story short the girl I went out with excused herself at dinner to use to powder room. After 45 minutes she hadn’t

You WILL take a bath! Mister Johnston is coming over for dinner and if I don’t get this promotion you aren’t getting an NES for Christmas.

Well, you could always have John Moschitta read them to you.

your universe sucks

I came here to post the same thing. “But it’s not a Ghibli film!” But it is a Miyazaki film, and it’s his best one. Everything after Mononoke is shit.

Scene: Bad guy wakes up in hospital after months in a coma. As doctors and police come into his room the bad guy only says one thing over and over.

Here’s my question. You went there and you liked it so much you just stayed. How? Did you apply for a work visa? What?

Both movies are freaking awesome