
Not until they made him black in the comics.

I love the little Gaim shaking hands with Black. But the shitty Kamen Riders with the fruits on their heads is awesome.

Back in the day, I used my over leveled Pidgeot exclusively to fight Lance.

I could have cared less who Cartmans dad was. I was thrilled they did a Terrance and Phillip episode. It's one of my favorite episodes.

I don't know if it's greater than Star Wars, but I do know that it's every bit as important and as beloved, and I'm not sure if they ever knew that. There is no damn reason that we shouldn't be waiting on part 7 of the Ghostbusters franchise.

Yeah, but after the Olympics are over his life is worth less than a truck full of dead rats in a tampon factory.

I just ate one. I put a slice of provolone in it with a slice of American cheese. It's awesome. And a big ass bowl of New England Clam Chowder to go with it.

My fav is probably Kilowog. Or G'Nort. Or Arisia. That Daxamite GL was pretty cool. I'm a fan of most of the aliens. Guy is just more tolerable than the rest of the humans because he has a definable personality. Even if it's a massive asshole.

I liked Guy only because he was so punchable. So punchable.

John Stewart also sucks. The only human GL that's worth a damn is Guy Gardner.

Wow, Amazo. That would gave that dumbass looking, yet dangerous as all hell, robot some edge, make him cool even.


Yeah, I'm straight too, but wow.

Now playing

I heard that Rainbow Blaxx song for the first time on sunday, I've had it on a loop since. Here's Ari from Waveya dancing to it.

Sunny was brutal to watch. She looked hella good.

Indeed. Road Rash means jack squat to someone that fights giant monsters and New Gods.


Props for holding Megatron.

Tough shit. What about the kids on the game making kids wait? Waiting in line is part of playing an arcade game. Adults or not.

Comically large? Those are pretty tame. They're not bigger than their heads.