She's a babe. She's killing that look Rita Ora's trying to rock but isn't quite hitting.
She's a babe. She's killing that look Rita Ora's trying to rock but isn't quite hitting.
Damn, I would have loved to see that woman who's face he licked at the beginning of that episode come in and shoot him in the face and then grind her heel in his face while Sherlock and Watson sit there stunned. That would have been amazing.
18 NO!
Gender Based? Fuck that. I call dudes 'cunts' all the time.
Oh, Powerful Rangers. Everything's a joke to you.
Oh, you didn't know? Your ass better call somebody. ( sorry, old school Raw was on last night )
It's crazy that someone mentions Rocky Horror in a thread with that Star Trek episode. The night I saw that Trek episode for the first time, it ended and my friend and I left to go see Rock Horror for the first time. My mind was double fucked that night.
Too soon.
Because you have to watch it right now like everyone else! One of us, one of us.
Also check out Onepunch Man. It's the best comic going. Manga or not.
I'd tell his ghost he's got a little bit of ectoplasmic vomit in the corner of his mouth.
The 2 best comics I've read this year are Onepunch Man: You can find the translated scans on google very easily. It's the best super hero comic I've read in a long time. It's stupid as hell and seriously funny. Plus there is amazing visual story telling going on. Go type in Onepunch Man tumblr and you'll see animated…
Why wouldn't they, is maybe what I was getting at as well. Every dude in the Marvel U pretty much openly digs on her. She's crazy sexy, built like an amazon, isn't stuck in one outfit and has a pretty damn good day job. Also she'll drop your ass if you fuck up.
Start a pokemon BBQ joint in that area. "Hey, what's on the menu today?" 'Some brat's been releasing Charmander after Charmander over yonder behind us. If you stack em up just right they can cook themselves and each other. We also have week old Bidoof and grits with a side of cornbread.'
The underwear on the outside is fine. Now someone explain why they wore capes.
hahaha, indeed
Are you saying She Hulk isn't good looking?
Because they are so pretty and they need to be all extreme and in your face about it. Plus all those pouches hold all their lipstick, nail polish and medical supplies for the insane pain their crazy ass anatomy must cause them.
Yeah, it's really starting to suck more everyday.