
Never thought about it that way. I'll make sure to cut across 3 lanes of traffic and dive into an exit lane at the last possible second on my way home.

I usually change to an audiobook when WAMU switches from 'Morning Edition' to 'Diane Rehm,' unless they've got a guest host, like today.

I was waiting for someone to point out the plate's provenance. Thank you.

Fellow DC/NoVa driver here. I've been driving here for almost 15 years and I still use my turn signal 95% of the time. I do this partly because I'm stubborn but mostly because the fact that every other idiot in the tri-state area ignores that stalk on the left side of the steering wheel does not make it OK.

Size-wise, it reminded me of a Forester, but it's a BMW body style so I'm going with the X3. Just a little too narrow to be a X5.

I am thinking X3. Just a little too narrow to be a 5. 

Just for s****s and giggles, I spec'd out a Countryman All4 with the same amenities as my Forester Premium. The Forester cost me $24K before taxes and title. The equivalent Countryman would run $33K.

So which car maker is Tyler Hamilton?

*Golf clap*

Wow. The nose on that thing makes Owen Wilson's look good. 

Love your username, BTW. 

When I visit my parents, my dad will occasionally want to play Forza 4 and drag out the racing seat/wheel/pedals rig. It's set up like a go-kart so you have to brake with your left foot and it's about the most foreign sensation I've experienced, car-wise.  Every time I play, I have to get used to it all over again

That is actually a really good idea — cheap, fun and practical with a race to stoke the kids' competitive spirits.  BTW, I actually happened to catch a rerun of 'Graham Norton' with him this morning — was talking about setting up a STEM program within the Prince's Trust.  To his credit, he didn't irritate me nearly as

Now playing

I rather liked James May's Italian car cliche /wear jar concept.

I learned to drive in my mom's '84 Indy Pacecar replica Fiero, though my parents bought me a beater once I got my license. We still have it in the family — though I don't think it runs. Maybe we should ship it to Kathryn for overhauling! 

Glad to see the Huayra on this list. That thing is a Jules Verne nightmare. 

To quote Sophia from Golden Girls (has anybody ever quoted GG on Jalopnik?), picture it:  "Any Porsche dealership, circa 1985. You walk in, ask about an automatic, and once they stop laughing, they agree to take your money and special-order one for you."  ... And now that I've got an old sitcom motif going here, I'll

My brother just moved to FL. Never during his military career did I fear for his life this much as since he relocated to America's Penis.

Yeah, and the way he was ignored/jerked around by GM only compounded matters. He ended up trading it in for an Altima a few months back.  I bought my Subaru a few months after he got the Regal and my dad had been trying to talk me into getting a Cruze instead. I resisted because a.) I don't really care for sedans and

I bought my dad that shirt!