A friend had — key word being had — a 2011 Regal that needed the steering overhauled twice and engine replaced before 11K miles.
A friend had — key word being had — a 2011 Regal that needed the steering overhauled twice and engine replaced before 11K miles.
I learned to drive in my mom's '84 Indy pace car replica Fiero. It never tried to kill me outright but driving a car without power steering after a hard swim practice with lots of pulling sets was its own kind of torture.
Because when the answer is not Miata, it's probably fox urine:
Since nobody has beaten me to it ...
When Toyobaru first showed the concept, I actually thought it would look better as a convertible. But as a Subaru owner/fan, I was hoping they'd get a droptop to market first. Oh well.
I have a '12 premium NA, for which I paid around $24K. Subaru guaranteed trade-in value was just under $20K last time I looked, and private sale range was high $21-mid $22K. That's less than what I've spent on car payments. Not too shabby. Only reason I would consider trading it in is for the new 6 spd MT.
Holy shit. I can't unsee that, no matter how hard I try.
I never thought of it so much as a clown shoe as the Munstermobile.
Thankfully, no BF of mine ever gave me that stuff. But I see enough of it on the side of the road and TV to realize that plenty of guys still must forget, panic at the last minute and buy that crap.
Not this girl. Most Valentine's jewelry is tacky as shit (see also: He went to Jared! and Open Hearts collection from Kay), and who really wants flowers from the Exxon station? On the other hand, if you surprise me with a car detailing and spring for the pet hair removal package, you might get some. (But I'm also the…
Then I extend the invitation to any carmaker willing to deliver their batshit craziest vehicle to the idiots.
I'm a 'Nati native and that gave me a good snort. Thanks.
Oh trust me, plenty of people feel the same way. Hell, I work in the entertainment section of a newspaper (thankfully not on the celebrity beat) and every time we post a story about Chris Brown or Lindsay Lohan killing a Porsche, I die inside a little.
Dear TVR, please hand-deliver one to each of the Kardashians and you'll have done humanity a major solid.
Orly Taitz, is that your car?
Hee. You know, that got me thinking. Jalop needs to do a top 10 automotive moments from The Simpsons. Here's my vote for No. 1:
Somebody in my complex parking lot has this generation XJS, complete with old-school car phone (you know, the huge one with the big numbers on the back).
My high school (Parisian-speaking) French teacher got into a yelling match with a Québecois ticket counter agent once. I didn't quite appreciate that story until my college prof had us do a few weeks worth of Québecois during an upper-level phonetics class. I remember a quiz where we were handed a sheet containing a…
Kitteh has a thing for sitting on the iPad, which is how I do most of my reading at home. I once fired up the laptop just to give him some other warm appliance to cop a squat on so I could finish the article I was reading.
I'm just waiting for the inevitable 'Downfall' video where Hitler finds out that BMW has doubled down on the X6/GT rear end and ceased wagon production.