I'm talking about making Jezza be a passenger on the Tube, train, etc. It would drive him crazy. The boat was still pretty cushy; however, I did enjoy seeing him perform manual labor on the train.
I'm talking about making Jezza be a passenger on the Tube, train, etc. It would drive him crazy. The boat was still pretty cushy; however, I did enjoy seeing him perform manual labor on the train.
Here's what you do, Panda: Do a little research, find the average ground clearance of these cars, and install sleeping policemen/speed bumps tall enough to do a little damage. Bonus points if you can scuff the shit out of their rocker panels. Of course, the boy racers will just switch to Rangies when they come back to…
Just once, I'd like to see Jezza get stuck on the train or public transportation and have them put James or Richard in the car. But I guess that's in Jeremy's contract.
I will have a friend ask the BBCA peeps at TV Press Tour this week if there's a U.S. premiere date yet. But they have been getting better in recent seasons — only 3-4 months behind instead of 6-12. But I usually rely on streetfire.net or finalgear.com because I am impatient that way.
I owned a CRX Si and an Integra back to back. Loved them both. But when it came time to go car-shopping this time around, there wasn't a single Honda/Acura model that interested me enough to warrant a test-drive. ILX? More like Zzzzzzzz.
Northern VA here. +1 on the turn signals. The few who do use them often turn them on just before or as they are turning. Very helpful, thanks. Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone pulls out into traffic right in front of you, making you slow down despite the fact there is absolutely NOBODY behind you.…
(Skoda) Yeti is also happy Lexi and her owner have been reunited.
Hey, I like to mock Fox News as much as the next dirty socialist liberal but that graphic is actually from a Fox broadcast affiliate station in Oklahoma, not Fox News Channel. There is a difference.
Nice of him to spend Boxing Day with Big Rig Stig.
Am back in Cincy visiting the parents this week and discovered Bob. Sure beats the traffic reporters in DC. Of course, others' mileage may vary — old HS friend said this clip makes him not want to come home.
Chief among the many reasons I have always hated hose is that they always effing run! I resent feeling obligated to keep buying something that lasts two wearings if you are lucky.
I could live with that.
Hehe. My brother-in-law is from Denmark and says he and his countrymen have renounced Brigitte Nielsen's citizenship.
Top Gun scene in which Maverick buzzes the tower after not getting permission, which startles the air boss and causes him to spill coffee all over himself
^ This. Also, coming from a family of cyclists, I appreciate that they have sponsored a cycling team for 5+ years (which is pretty damn long by pro cycling standards). Sadly, that partnership may not be long for this world now that Trek is suing them over the Crosstrek.
Well, I watched it way back when. Yesterday, all I did was google "Rocky IV training montage."
Introducing the new Infiniti Q Continuum, with your pitchman, John De Lancie.