Cosmic Bitch

CF4L, my fellow fat jealous loser. CF4L.

Those aren't space suits. They're environment suits for toxic atmospheres, not the vacuum of space.

"Tom Hardy gained some weight to play Bane in The Dark Knight Rises."

...Did you even watch any of these movies?

I saw it today too. It was incredible and it made me say HOLY SHIT every few minutes. Damn good end to the trilogy in my opinion as well.

Ooh, you've got yourself a nice top-tier Android there! This Gizmodo article might be helpful.

I... I don't understand.

I think the desk duty is because they are investigating him. They can't just fire people automatically without confirming that they're actually guilty.

Minus the thong comments, that would actually be pretty funny if it hadn't happened in real life.

It'd be like that time a guy tried to shoot Andrew Jackson, but both his pistols failed because bullets themselves were afraid of him.


I still buy from iTunes occasionally, but Amazon often has the same song or album cheaper. I go with whatever source is the cheapest when I want to own music, which I like to do.

What do they even do when someone dies on a plane?

I think we'd just rather not get blown up by Turians.

I don't think Pluto gives a shit whether we call it a planet or not.

As a general rule, I always assume a no touching policy unless the person specifically indicates otherwise.

Glad to be of service!

Should I take that as a compliment?

Your photoshop skills are superior to mine.

Well, I tried.