Cosmic Bitch

If I really thought that I was "a masterpiece created by God" I would show myself off naked all the time.

The page says that her stomach, something that's not that taboo in today's culture, is something only a girl's future husband should ever lie eyes on.

Future cleavage?

Unrelated to the article, that image you used is freaking me out. Even when I scroll down, I can still feel the beast shaped like a little girl, its eyes boring into me for all of eternity while candy drifts in the void between realities.

I disagree about this promoting discussions. It's much easier to see discussions in order to take part in them when you can actually see all the discussions.

The CIA's secret coalition of telekinetic mimes will stop you!

Don't you mean 5-ever? (DAT MEANS MORE DAN 4EVER.)

Can future bureaucrats all be required to wear futuristic top hats? If we wind up in a dystopia, it will help it seem more amusing.

On the list of people one should pistol whip, I thinks nuns are towards the bottom, just above kittens.

"Moon week" is awesome. This is going to be my new go to euphemism for my period in order to make my father uncomfortable.

A hair for a hair makes the whole world bald!

Wait, I thought he was supposed to indoctrinate his children to join the gay agenda, not abandon them.

Good idea. There's both a Sephora and a dedicated MAC store at my mall. I should ask for help in there. Thanks!

So... who has good advice for lip color? I want to try wearing it but am not sure how to go about doing so. Most things I've tried feel wrong on my lips and look strange on me.

Ooh, they do! Thanks!

Where can I watch Korra starting from the beginning? I really need to watch it.

Is it even possible for most people to have built a career at 23? I'll be still in college when I turn 23, and will be pretty far from an actual career.

It's my new goal to go to lab dressed like that before I graduate.

That's Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. There is almost literally an SMBC comic for every occasion.

Hooray! Now us Lesbian Shitasses have a patron saint.