Cosmic Bitch

But my Verizon phone can do that!

I tended not to have tantrums much either as a child, according to my mother, and I was able to talk in complete sentences at a pretty early age. I think you're on to something.

I find temper tantrums somewhat fascinating due to what it means psychologically. These kids generally don't know how to express feelings outwardly in constructive ways yet, so it's sort of a primal outburst of pure emotion, not yet tempered by society or self-restraint.

Octavio Good? That's an awesome name.

I was pretty close to my final height of 5'9" by thirteen. I think it's fairly normal for girls to stop growing at that age.

When I was little, my parents replaced a somewhat ratty but otherwise functional sofa and put it in my bedroom, and our dog was allowed to sit on it whenever he wanted. As a result, I made him sleep on it at night to protect me from monsters. I was pretty sure that monsters didn't exist, but on the off chance they

Does anyone think she actually got the idea from watching Breaking Bad? One of the chemistry professors at my college likes the show.

I thought that I would become a normal person when I grew up. Still waiting on that one.

My dad would make me go to Costco with him, and he had extremely little instinct to make sure I was following him. I'd stop to look at something for a few seconds, and then he'd be gone and I'd have to go find him. He usually hadn't noticed I wasn't there. Sometimes I'd get fed up and just go sit on the sample

No, most parents can and do say "no" to kids. You just tend to notice badly behaved kids more than well behaved kids because well behaved kids aren't as attention grabbing.

Wait, he's on to something; only people over 21 can legally get drunk enough to think that voting for him would be a good idea.

If I didn't know that my cat was so very well-tempered and sweet, his unblinking stare might be a bit intimidating, especially when he stalks me around the house and does that think where he only moves if I'm not looking directly at him.

I was just thinking that it would make a good setting for a movie.

That's why I miss my cat more than my parents while at college.

Well, I'm pretty sure Black Friday got started because a lot of people had the friday after Thanksgiving off of work, so they don't necessarily have to be unemployed to spare the eight hours to get cheap stuff.

Ah, the fallacy of nostalgia.

Wow, I knew what oxytocin was but didn't know that the father had it too. Neat.

Both of you will be oxytocin'ed?

"After getting caught stealing my mom's car and accidentally crashing it through the house"