Cosmic Bitch

Everyone already knows that cats are ninjas.

Damn. Maybe I should have waited to use my upgrade for the Revolution. Love my TBolt though. How are LG androids in general?

Well I guessed that he was either dead or alive, and I was right! Take THAT.

Hillary's horrified but the girl in the back looks interested.

We know it didn't invent it. We know that it popularized it.

Great! Will they play on my Android phone too?

Can I still listen to the Amazon-bought songs in iTunes?

Have you seen a lot of pixels in your time?

Mine T-Bolt's not getting it, but that could just be because I'm inside.

My Thunderbolt isn't getting 4G and only intermittently getting 3G. I keep getting 1X I tried loading a webpage and it took ten minutes. Can anyone tell me what 1X means?

42 bucks used and 18 million new? That's some serious depreciation.

He should have just rented a Quentin Tarantino movie.

But what about the cost of making that nice movie/entertainment room?

Reading the story it sounds more like that, given that he would bring up things he read in her emails in arguments, she noticed that he knew things that he couldn't have without spying and then checked the history to see if he read her email.

That's one of the funniest things I've seen today. Thank you.

Haven't people learned not to hurt cats if the Internet can find out about it?

What if you have split-brain and a Dr. Strangelove hand?