Cosmic Bitch

@jinchoung: What does Dr. Who have to do with anything?


Florida, I am disappoint. I expected more from you.

I must learn to do this.

One can of Four Loko can kill two people?

Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot?

Taco Bell, I am disappoint.

The fact that I'm not even the first person to say think that this looks like a narwal amuses me greatly. Narwals!

What exactly is Rage-guy raging at?

This article sucks. :)

Here's my problem: all of Verizon's announced new Androids (Thunderbolt, Bionic) seem to be 4G. I want an Android when I get my upgrade next month. I want a new phone when I get a phone. But I don't want 4G. I just want a recently released phone to use on 3G. Will they let me do that?

I believe that they call this the "Greater Internet F***wad Theory."

Didn't they have this in Borat?

Why Google, why?!

@Almightywhacko: Okay, good point. Still don't get how this thing can be labeled a "tank" though.

I don't always use lightbulbs, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.

I thought a tank had to be armored. And who is actually HARMED by this guy using his super-chair?

So XX lightbulb... for the ladies? Do they have an XY bulb for the dudes?