Cosmic Bitch

New element to my zombie survival plan:

Is that Grand Theft Auto?

At first I was expecting just a simple coincidence that his initials spell WTF. And then I saw it: FranfettFUCKster. You go dead dude. (Unless that's not actually his name)

Wow. The flipping off of the guy BEFORE he got his payback was just bitchy and unnecessary. Definitely deserved what she got.

I've used Yahoo! mail for years, but I've never actually used their search function until now. I tried "iphone" and just got phones. Boring.

This is why my passwords are retarded things that would only make sense to me. Although considering things like "cheese" are used so much...

They just want to be like those hip young people and their facepages and their tweeters and their tumblupons and their diggit...

@BlackYoshi7: It's definitely not a go-to cure for HIV, but it is progress towards eventually having one. That's how medicine works.

"Follow loved ones and satisfy any craving for touching them without the risk of being rejected, disappointed or otherwise emotionally hurt."

That abandoned city is creepily awesome. Or awesomely creepy.

@Brownski: The middle east doesn't exist... Except for Lebanon. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens in Beirut goes on Facebook.

Interesting. How about some bras for the ladies?