I keep thinking that the Mayan calendar thing was off by 4 years...that leap year thing finally caught up with us again.
I keep thinking that the Mayan calendar thing was off by 4 years...that leap year thing finally caught up with us again.
I think the Mayans where off by four years. fuck!
At least we know Maurice Clarett is safe.
Oh stop, lot’s will survive.. their buttholes on the other hand...
The Mayans were off by 4 years.
And the ones that do may wish that they hadn’t.
Fantastic thinking (and fantastic movie)
Right now, getting on a plane and noticing a celebrity sitting in first class has to be the worst feeling.
thats Captain Butterscup, to you - he didnt go to the naval academy for four years to be addressed like that.
If only we could all be so lucky
December 31 should be mind-blowing.
Buckle up, Buttercup - the next four weeks are going to be one bumpy ride.
I hereby suggest, no, DEMAND, a “Funters” tag.
How Pachulia.
You were blessed... once you figured out the formula you would put the controller down and never speak or hear of this again. Except of course 30+ years later when you find it in the comments section of a post about a missed aircraft landing. There must have been prophets designing this game!
I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, being caught at a Jets game, or being caught at a Jets game.
hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead
Worst. Game. Ever.
And if you have a controller with an adjustable rapid fire, you have to turn it off to single or you will never be able to slow it down enough to land.
When I got older, my brother told me the trick to landing. You have to maintain the specified altitude and speed. I never looked at the number gauges before that.