Dray meet Gray
Dray meet Gray
Does it change anything if you knew he was looking a Phillip Rivers the whole time?
When asked about being God he mentioned how taxing it was.
Julian then pointed, laughed, and yelled “BoardScore!”
Foot hit the white line....
Jesus Ricky really? What were you high or something?
<Mark Davis climax’s>
And when you say scrap you mean venture onto the land a recycle the metal found in his war torn country?
As a resident of Oakland who was lives a couple streets down from the Ghost Ship fire I commend the council. There isn’t too much to improve around Oakland. I’m mean who needs pot holes filled, homeless encampments under over passes taken care of, and of course city inspectors or maybe some more cops (ya we had an…
That’s three more movies where W.Smith gets to say the name of the movie or “Time to save the world,” so excited.
It’s a shame, Fisher is such a great coach. I think this could be the first time he’ll finish with a 7-9 record.
That’s exactly what the car did.
That picture...I’m a free man and haven’t smile like that in a while.
2016...You have your orders...now take him out!
They say it’s not your Grandpa’s Buick, even though Grandpa fought Germans in the war.
CaptainButters very first crush? Trini from the Power Rangers....RIP Trini. Too soon.
The old I’m voting for Hillary but I secretly pull the Trump lever trick?
Ki Jana Carter has to be in a bunker somewhere