
If the Cubs find a way to HRC this thing and lose or not make the W.S. than the Yanks make out like bandits because of this. They won’t make the playoffs but they can dump Castro’s contract and then wash their hands of A-Rod at the end of 2017. Funny part is Bonilla will still be on a New York franchise payroll.

They already posted a picture of him smoking....

Waiters showing he wants JPP money.

To this day no one knows the where abouts of GumbyForDatLife. That’s the real tragedy.

Seat down. Relievers have great late game accuracy.

Easy to weigh them when you keep them in a empty mayo jar above refrigerator

Been there CC. Been there.

No joke...I see you reaching on my thread...but honestly you can do better.

Unbeknownst to everyone involved the media blackout has been going on since 1997, unless you have ESPN 8 “The Ocho”

I’ve heard Raleigh-Durham triangle being referred to as Silicon Alley based on the tech boom there. I’ll give them that but that’s about it.

The number of people in North Carolina who are googling the word imminently...

Self Respect will be the last/hardest Pokemon anyone who plays Pokemon Go will find.

Isn’t that called a fireman carry? Trying to think back to high school wrestling.

This is good.

I’m a little disappointed that the stock Vikings photo Gawker has isn’t of the ex Vikings punter guy who occasionally pipes in on articles. Think his name was Rayism.

I am the Gate Keeper.

Would we more likely see Messi in the MLS or playing Futsal in India?

And that’s how I spent my All-Star break vacation.


Smash Bros. channels Lax Bro, gets smashed Bro!, acts like a Frat Bro and loses easily made dough.