Hopefully he won’t ditch his career.
Hopefully he won’t ditch his career.
VW and Audi’s smell like a box of Crayola crayons when they sit in the sun. Something about the wax finish or the plastic the dash was made of.
Selfish parents that live off the Fat of the Land
OT but based on your username I’m guessing VW Jetta?
Just loving their terrible home record in front of America’s best fans....
I have a feeling when writing this report you expected someone to misstep and call you out? I had already imagined him being 35 for the Rio games before the last paragraph.
How will we ever know it was a glitch? Take them at their corporate earnings word?
When your GO bag happens to have to loaded rifles that could go off accidentally then you might be doing it wrong.
“You know when it comes down to it, I realized I really like money...”
10 million a year. That bags a lot of Kangaroos.
I’m getting more enjoyment than I should out of this Gif.
Now make like a tree and beat it!
It’ll be okay. It’s not like he had work to go to on Monday.
Can we get a ruling on whether or not that is a penis?
Former Jaguars player Dan Skuta works out with Cowboys while suspended.
This goes more into the argument that Offensive Pass Interference should only be 10 drinking yardsticks instead of 15 yardsticks.
Jack and Rod
Kid's Baylor material
This, or a Perfect Strangers reference.
Bears repeating, most toxic franchise.