
How would that make them better Fantasy owners?

Motel 6 off of Brokaw Rd? Come on man! I’d expect that out of a James Madison or Silver Creek Alum. There’s an app for that!

iVR from Apple that fits over your phone and Bluetooth connects to iRouter which is tethered by two lighting cables to your VR headset. All components sold separately.

When China heard they were getting 2 Brazilians you can tell they were confused when they realized it wasn’t money.

It’s hard to watch the guy from Californiacation not screw every chick that walks into frame. Hank agrees with me.

We takin predator face Lexus?

I knew I’d like you.

So call it a Ninja Turtle on PEDs. Say it has a face for radio. I don’t care. I’d still own one over any BMW or Merc SUV.

To be fair I need to h/t someone on the Jalop blog for writing it first on a previous Lehto article. But is does look like a car waiting to receive.


Dammit Steve you had one job to do.


They should have done the Pro Bowl

Star looks like she’s been drink the Flint water.

You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? You nailed it. Except if we are holding true to metaphors, Ensign Marty probably didn’t have his phaser drawn. Hill Shot First.

I’ll allow it

I’ve already starred you but a a part of me hopes this gets cross-posted to Jezebel before the girls get the 500 Days Of fix.


For anyone who commutes on the Bay Area these are called Road Sodas