
Fully committed to the pick.

You misspelled Demarco Murray


+1 It takes good PrEP for that to happen.

May you never go sugar-free Andy Reid.

Ever since I learned Conditional Formatting I’ve lost 10 pounds, my hair has grown back and I’ve become a better Father. Thanks Excel!

As diehard Yankee fan who hates everything Boston I can’t help but agree and loathe your comment at the same time.

Beast Mode —> Least Mode —> Released Mode —> Signed by Raiders.

Warning, disclaimers, and releases are not binding in the court of law. It is just a deterrent to keep people from seeking legal action. If there is negligence that was know then there is legal precedent to litigate.

Poor mans corvette.

Don’t do it $kaycog

Remember the credo, 4 shots and an elbow shriver - 1 kill.

+1 Tank Turret

Just learned how to use gifs.

A lot of rain in the Bay Area this week. I hope he moved his van from down by the river.

+ 1 TGIF Line Up


Roll Tide

Sad that none of the other boys stepped in to help. It’s almost as if they were waiting for their cue.