
I had an Italian professor in College who loved stereotypical Italian jokes. He was a great source of humor. His joke was how to get a Italian to shut up? Break his arms.

I bought my ‘13 G37 in June ‘15 on a lease return for 25k at 17K miles. Screaming deal. I love my G!

That’s why they wear gold necklaces, so they know where to start and stop shaving.

He’s been playing a lot of Fall Out 4

I can see Sandlers Opera Man doing this

Riding shotgun!

Let em. Just don’t expect the U.S. to refund them social security, protect them with a standing army, not charge them for border crossing, and support them with state/federal run civil works.

Dude makes funiture (carpenter), loves animals, and is black?

What do you call an Italian with no arms? A speech impediment.

Countless Bostoians lost their Sam Adams Winter Bach supplies getting us this intel.

It gets results

You’re in luck, there is a poster on one of these boards who works at home for Google and clears $6,047 a week. I think they just bought a new BMW too. I’m sure they’ll share a link to where you can get started.

The only way for this Ex Cardinal to get off easier would be to join the Catholic church.

If AJ “Has a Milf” McCarron wins a playoff game before The Ginger Hammer I’ll be excited to watch Skip Bayless and the whole state of Ohio lose its collective mind

Love craps. Probably the most entertaining game on the floor. As momentum builds people seemed to flock to it. The negative is it takes a big initial investment on the pass and interior numbers and the hope shooter doesn’t roll a 7 on after the come out.

Went from fun on the sex boat to lifetime payments on the Ex boat. Well played Smooty. #Tipping4Life

Now playing

Loved this show. Best theme song too. In my work out mix.

It’s called spray and pray Rylo.

well played.