
And a million voices cried out all at once and then were silent. As if they had him in the Fantasy Football Playoff team. Trying to defeat the evil returning champ Rick “Tofu” Rude who has been talking mess all season long and now with OBD suspended and A.J. questionable you will need more than the Ewoks from the

That’s a Lambo dude.


True in a very simple aspect, but you’re aren’t/can’t/shouldn’t vaccinate someone who has already been exposed, that’s why it is only for young people. If you are sexually active chances are you have already been exposed. So now you need to test the older generation for HPV before you can vaccinate them. So the cost

I don’t think it is cost effective.

The cheaper solution is to just remove the “out” and there is no need to reset the clock.

+1 Of the scars that won’t heal.

I didn’t know the Raider leather chest piece came with the game.

Doug....I need this!! Come on man!

5 more years!

Invent other things.

Reporters said they wanted a comment from his son Ennis but apparently they have more digging to do.

The ones that don’t make is get a nepal sky burial?

You will not get as much praise from this comment as you should.

If experience has taught me anything, no matter how hard you hit them with your car and leave them in a ditch on the side of the road during that one snowy night coming back from Tahoe, is that Gingers can’t die.

contracted gonorrhea from him

In college this was the holy Trinity.

Frozen lasagne was for dinner the next day, that’s why it was supposed to go in the freezer. Trash bags are pretty self explanatory when hosting friends and family for Xmas dinner. Rolls in a paper bag to reheat in the oven is an old trick that works pretty well if done correctly and Safeway is ALWAYS open in Xmas.