
@mikemikemotorbike: i thought it was because no one was mad enough to step from a blimp through the air to a plank of wood 102 stories up

@Indigen: and to save you the bother i went looking [] thats who Samara and Morinth were modeled after, but not voiced by

@WhoKnew?: technology wise, bad company 2 and dice are on the absolute bleeding edge with the frostbite engine it is so much more capable (here's looking at you tesselation, and huge open maps) than the extensively modified quake3 engine call of duty has ran on since time immemorial. the smoothness i believe is a

she is rather creepy, that vacant blank emotionless stare.

@Finstern: its actually a modified Thompson sub machine gun with a modified barrel shroud from a SPAS-12 beneath it.

@frank0127: remember the Japanese like their techno-jazz... *shudder*

@Thunderbyte: an all black MBP with a white logo and red hinge = nerdgasm

"all my friends. the friends i have left ..." :(

looks like battlefield 2 just went free to play

@Quest: i bloody haven't forgotten about this, i prepurchased it in january ie the funds have already left my account... :(

@Ozzieball: i take it you have never read an EULA, then. in quite possibly every EULA ive been bothered to read it states the following: "the end user is granted one non transferrable license to use the software, ownership of the software remains the property of the developer, failure to abide by the license agreement

i smell a hardware refresh coming along

i have horrifying visions of going pay to play if this occurs

my old faithful has been brought into the modern era with a core i5 760, gtx460 768mb and 4gb ddr3. thought i killed the lot last week when the old hiper psu went out with a bang...

i bet it runs hotter than venus

what a nice thief

that made me squee with happiness that is just awesome :D