you know what i don't think ive seen a bad blizzard cinematic atleast in the past 8 yrs anyway
you know what i don't think ive seen a bad blizzard cinematic atleast in the past 8 yrs anyway
what?! ferrets are dead cute :D
@Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.: its still funny money :P /troll
delish :D
@SAThorn: it says that you are a sex offender.
@gallahad: not all change is bad though, a new os could entice more folk in into apple's den of iniquity :P much like it did for microsoft and win7, admittedly i'm just annoyed at apple calling each reiteration of osx a new operating system when at it's core it's 8 years old.
OS X Lame Lion? trying to reach out to open source with the name?
@RubiksCube: thats one immense cavalier/vectra
@MacAttack: the thing is all of those little guys are useful to farmers and gardeners
FUUUUU ive bought all the dlc ...