
and here we are a day later. A thread full of "nigger" and "faggot" signal boosted ten fold. What have you started!? =p

Was it really necessary to put the n-word in huge bold text on your website?

Not clicking articles about Game of Thrones is much easier and cheaper than paying a psychologist for the therapy necessary to deal with the intense emotional trauma associated with being subjected to occasional posts about a popular show that you don't happen to like as much as some people.

Ravnica Cycle: Book 1
Chapter 1
"A falcon the color of rusty blood—"

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Dismissing the problem is ITSELF a huge problem. You're making it about the victim not adapting to what's tolerated and not the abuser, who shouldn't be tolerated at all.

Female game devs whose real names and faces and addresses/workplaces are known, getting hundreds or thousands of rape and murder threats, isn't the same as that time a kid yelled at you on Xbox after you won a game.

Well, if there is any fanbase mature enough to handle gender equality....

Jessica, I'm not a contrarian person by nature and feel uncomfortable voicing discord, but I feel compelled to express my anger because this issue is worth commentary.

Really, exactly what I expected from Jezebel. (Cue nostalgic reference of Anna Holmes)

Jessica, the tone of this article makes you sound like you are as big of a narcissist as Hugo Schwyzer.

good god lemon, did you just make HS's meltdown and his abuse of WoC and his gaslighting, about yourself and your feelings?

Wow. This is unbelievably disingenuous. You gave a platform to a known abuser, defended him against all comers, gave him a platform to spread this crap, and now you can't even bring yourself to admit that it was a mistake, that you contributed to the damage he's caused, even after he's explicitly said what he was

Oh my gosh, this must be so very difficult for you. *VOMIT*

This is such a passive aggressive bullshit article. This is you justifying your actions and wrapping it up in a nice 'I only did was I thought was right given the information I had!' bow. Of course, that is a fucking lie because commenters told you he was full of shit, and he was already known to be full of shit and

Please, please, please tell me this is not your response to Hugo Schwyzer. If it is, this is beyond the pale.

You didn't materially benefit? Oh, happy day... I guess some time in the last two years Jezebel cut ties with Gawker Media and no longer operates on a clickbait model of "stimulating discourse" and we all just missed it?

I'm impressed that you can so calmly accept feeding into Hugo, propping him up, and thus contributing to his ability to harm WOC bloggers and undermine them consistently. That's real great that you can just let it all go and accept that you did your best despite all the voices telling you the truth, that Hugo helped

Wow, sorry but this is a really BS non-apology, especially with so many people expressing real pain and upset over being attacked and screwed over by him in the past, especially WoC. People deserve a more direct apology than this.

Jessica, woman up and don't dismiss my post this time. It's time to acknowledge that YOU were a jerk to readers who raised objections to him, and not continue the behavior.