Wow. I've literally never seen a moose-knuckle that truly looked like a moose-knuckle. Until right now. And I hang out in the trashy kind of gay bars.
Wow. I've literally never seen a moose-knuckle that truly looked like a moose-knuckle. Until right now. And I hang out in the trashy kind of gay bars.
I'm baffled as to why Tracie thinks it's okay to blurt out gross gender policing statements like, "Men should never wear such-and-such." Please don't tell people what they can and can't wear based on their sex or perceived gender. Stop it. It's not helping anyone. It's the enemy of feminism. It's transphobic. It's…
Meh, as a feminist who drops in like some kind of one-woman SWAT team when guys post things on facebook like "Ladies, those jumpers or whatever you call them really aren't as cute as you think", I am not okay with telling dudes what they should and should not wear. Even if it outlines their junk.
I'm all for equal opportunities giggling at people wearing unflattering clothing. You have the right to wear whatever you want and I have the right to laugh at you. However, just as I would make sure the person I was mocking couldn't see/hear me doing it, I would NEVER post a picture of them on the internet to shame…
No, not really. I mean, there's an argument to be made about American cultural imperialism, but, there are also limits to that - the 1936 games come to mind rather immediately. The Olympics aren't a pass to do whatever in your own country, they're about trying to build diplomatic relations and a more stable…
Or they might have an open relationship or she mightn't give a fuck if he sends dick pics to other women or maybe she knows what she's doing. She didn't send dick pics to anyone (that we know of). What's the point of your article?
He's probably got a sweet koi sleeve, brah.
Go nuts. When you don't put a value on your work, no one else will.
This comment (she is beautiful) is on every post that has to do with infidelity or childbirth. I find that interesting. Largely because her looks shouldn't matter. Un-gorgeous women don't deserve to be treated like this, either. Ditto for un-handsome men. Her gorgeousness has nothing to do with the fact that her…
Roseanne is a nut job and a bigot.
Yes... Some guys was sexually harassing women...with the stickers on their asses. He was effectively groping them while insulting them.
So a woman complaining about being groped (which is what happened here) is her just covering up a 'bruised ego'?
I love that this applies to women being offended by discrimination against women but not to the men discriminating against women on the grounds that girls picked on them in high school.
You should stop using the word "retarded" to explain things like it, it's just as insensitive and makes your argument completely invalid as you are relating the problem to people with actual shortcomings.
Yes, they can. They can also leak like a father fucker once they get going.
Your shit salad of concern trolling comes off as pretty sincere. I'd omit the entire first paragraph if you want to break through to authenticity.