I disagree with her, but in no way do I think she's a troll, or her personal feelings are without merit.
I disagree with her, but in no way do I think she's a troll, or her personal feelings are without merit.
I don't agree with you that the content of game of thrones makes it completely without merit. I like the show, but I want to apologize for the treatment you're getting here from other people claiming to be feminists.
You've every right to dislike the show. It has misogynist elements all over the place. You can argue…
I disagree with Jane on this, but I have to point out that even if she told you that all stories needed to have her arrangement from this point on, it'd take centuries to balance out.
This is from a thrones fan.
Not today, toothbrush.
The problem is creepshots aren't even preventable with the device being used exactly as advertised.
Whereas with the original version of this app, unwanted filming of coitus could be avoided by being suspicious anyone who is both wearing google glass and currently banging you.
good point.
The question is how the "Matter of time" it takes to design and produce an adapter on a sellable scale compares to the "Matter of time" it takes to release the PC version of the new Kinect that they've already said they're making.
how much you want for that X-box?
Stay school marmin rando internet crybaby.
All those Jews that badmouth hitler now adays? Bunch of Nazis.
Fuck the gender Police.
You saw the happening and that didn't clue you in on why she's awful?
I don't have anything against her personally, but she's either out of her element and not doing well, or she's in her element and being an unapologetic tweesmith.
And when the KKK has their own food network, her martyrdom may mean something.
I've never been called a white knight except by misogynists mad that I called them out on their shit. But its a shitty term to use on either side of the fence.
Just to bring you down a bit, I bet that the reason the lady who got the security guard fired asked to remain nameless is she didn't want to even chance the kind of internet backlash that has happened in the past. I've already seen "we don't know the security guards side of this" in the comments. So that's pretty…
well. there's at least one vivid description of a sexual assault. When people say rapey they don't have to be referencing an actual rape. They can be talking about rape culture. So yeah, coming at a lady from two sides and putting your hands on her and kissing her head and neck is rapey as fuck. It is an example of…
" I've had both guys and girls try to kiss me while they're drunk."
Mmm anecdotally delicious. sexual assaults involving alchohol 50% female perpetrated. Got it.
Right, I understand that what happened to these women wasn't their fault, and is horrible, and could cause real psychological harm in some instances, but does anyone else think that this time of thing should be handled with supreme delicacy so that people who the article doesn't even come close to tangentially blaming…
It's well intentioned but the takeaway is that the onus is on the women or the womens friends to prevent it from happening. It's the responsibility of people not to treat other people like this, the responsibility of the event organizers to deal with the people who behave inappropriately, and then finally, if someone…
I'll do one better. She doesn't even need a vagina to be disinterested in their penises.