
Yeah. Even the well meaning comments here.

"Doesnt have anything to do with whether they are male or female or what job they do or where they are."

Uh. yeah. It does. Come on. I'm a guy and I not naive enough to think this is a 50/50 split with this kind of shit.

Its funny that you posit leering or creepy men as just a thing that happens, but all of your effort is directed at women and why they shouldn't complain about it because they should expect it. If the one thing is more wrong and the other thing is just annoying to you because women should expect men to be assholes to

The stuff happening in this article to women is fucking horrendous. If I was a woman and stuff like this was par for the course, I'd be a much angrier person than I am now. That being the case, I'd feel like kind of a dick if I expected the articles to not be aggressive. As for the other stuff. Sounds like

Why do people always gotta lump in cheetos with misogynists? Cheetos are great.

Actually writing the post you describe in the title is haaaaard. It's better to just not write the article and just rake in incidental pageviews on the account of it being ran on kotaku.

I want to make a post about release dates. But spending 20 minutes putting them all on a list is haaaard. I guess I'll just put the year each comes out and rake in some pageviews.

what type of stuff are you working on for it?

I'm not sure I see the comparison. Are you comparing Max Payne I to GTA III?

True. but it originally came from the original unaired pilot of Star Trek, called "The Cage". Captain Pike yelled it at the guys with the big heads that looked like scrotums.

dude. He works in a COURT. Seems legit.

I have an opinion on a game, therefore that opinion is somehow a salient bit of info in a legal dispute between one company, and another company who made a game I didn't like.

No f'real. I completely fucked that one up. Complete reading comprehension fail on my part. Mea Maxima Culpa.

Highest profile woman in a video game at E3: Giant disembodied legs that get a giant truck between them, at which point they spray panties out the crotch.


" I gave an example of what NOT to do: (i.e. making up a fake middle eastern nation with fake middle eastern people to fight doesn't fool anybody), and you didn't read the final three words in that example, doesn't fool anybody, and then (incorrectly, of course) assumed that's what I am asking for despite the fact

Its not an S. Where I come from it means hope.

So you would have specifically fictional fake middle easterners, rather than generic ones? What are the salient aspects of them that make them middle easterners? Will they fit in with the normal lazy conventions? Or would they be completely unrecognizable as middle easterners save their geographic location, with

Info on the ebay seller:

mediaone2004 ( 1273) Positive Feedback (last 12 months): 97%

So yes, I'm sure this is just the final step in a really long con to cheat someone out of 300 bucks. Or they have the same item in the same condition and were lazy so they used a picture they found on the internet.

Seems pretty transparent. That'd be like having a game called Plantation Tycoon, where you own dark skinned people from a small continent of Aphrike. See? Fictional people. Not offensive.

Go be a fart in someone else's face, bro-unit.