
ok Chris Traeger

Definitely. I think Sleepy Hollow is doing a lot right that SHIELD has been doing wrong, and I think they're worth comparing because they're both genre shows done network-style.

Yup, I say as much in my recap.

As someone who is MORTIFIED of flying - like I'd rather drive hours and hours to get somewhere, like I have nightmares thinking about it - I shouldn't have read this article. :(

This guy, hands down.

Like most nerds of my generation...

Batgirl - totally Batgirl.

Although I did have Wonder Woman underoos that I insisted on my mom buying me. I was a weird kid.

This may explain the strange looks I've been getting of late.

It's your screen. Go for it.

This movie does not interest me. I may watch it on Redbox but I do not consider it a must-see at the movies. The trailors and this interview reinforce this is a 'one trick pony' movie and I have already seen the big trick in the trailor and the adds. Not much dialogue and all visuals is not very interesting when I've

Hey, Cuaron...

But this scene was not written with new Star trek fans in mind. It was written as pandering fan service to old fans in the misguided belief that like Pavlovian dogs we will drool appreciatively whenever someone dangles a beloved pop culture reference in front of our face.

Thank you!
I enjoyed the movie for a fun little sci-fi ride but you just set up a big crazy fun alternate universe and the best you can give me is Wrath of Khan?
With Khan-lite no less?

I nominate this as io9 Comment Of The Year.

wow, I always thought Khan said "He ask me, he ask me, and I shall have him."

With all due respect it was a terribly pandering scene, drained of all the emotional power of the original, played only as a cynical handjob to fans, and stands as a piteous testament to the drought of ideas in its screenwriter's heads.

This might be the best comment of this kind.

And this part

Now playing

As far as Star Trek series finales have gone, this is by far the worst and most brutal: