
I thought this would be a “face reveal” about the artist behind the Vtuber being revealed IRL, but it’s just...the animated hair is slightly not over their animated eyes for a moment?

The ONE comment they have on their first comment page about ‘the left’ is them complaining that the left always lets ‘the right’ control the narrative, which is true. Democrats are horrendous about messaging, by and large. Looking at the rest of their comments, they pretty obviously have a liberal mindset.

I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm, but you can never be totally sure anymore.

Welcome to Biden’s America where anyone can just customize their genitals. The woke left has gone too far. Bunch of biological half-orcs unfairly competing against githyankis. It’s a travesty.

Considering it’s already been “out” in early access for more than a year I feel like they’ve probably done a good job making sure a lot of that is mitigated (at least for the first act of their game which you can play through right now)

This is going to have wide-reaching negative consequences for future players who are going to have a really hard time finding VERY SPECIFIC information about the game or asking very specific questions. Most people don’t want to have an endless list of discords just to ask the occasional question.

It’s genuinely odd that Strange New Worlds hasn’t got an airing on CBS. It would definitely grow the fan base of the show which hasn’t helped it being siloed off on a definitely second tier streaming service.

Lol, not even Sony cares about that series!

They also have Killzone. Not that it’s the best or anything, but they used it as an exclusive for a while. Do they have anything that resembles a modern military shooter, is probably the more pertinent question.

The issue with that is making multiplayer games takes a long time now. Making a single player game that also has a long tail multiplayer? Call of duty and Halo are about the only franchises left who even bother and both of them had issues due to how hard it is now.

This is exceptionally rich. “If they buy Activision they’ll take CoD exclusive and we’ll go out of business!”

“No they won’t, and no you won’t.

It is just a tool though. It’s not intelligent, it doesn’t do anything on it’s own. It’s a function that has an input and an output. It doesn’t even learn anything new after the initial training is over.

I did for some shows, but not many. Westworld, Man in the High Castle come to mind. Probably a handful more.

i think it looks pretty good

Garriott’s actually kind of okay here - in this case, his organization has submarines that have already explored the titanic a few times. This is one of the few times when this rich tech leader can actually contribute, because they’ve already done similar things and actually do have resources.

It’s not a case of Elon

You mean XIII and XIII-2. XV was not better than XII and VIII was a mess

I’m becoming convinced that someone’s out there bribing these weird ass billionaire’s to tank their social media companies to make it harder and harder for the world to communicate. First Elon turns Twitter into a Nazi Hellscape, now this guy is basically forcing most of Reddit to consider migration to new platforms.

My claustrophobia went nuts just looking at the inside of the vessel. Fuck that shit. 

Thanks, as if this whole situation wasn’t nightmare inducing already.

“It should be like an elevator. It shouldn’t take a lot of skill.”