
Truly bizarre mentality. I don’t even fuck with MTG but “someone who wants free stuff for their hobby is a deranged individual!” is wild.

Not even worth putting them on Craiglist or Facebook for free, cause I don’t want to meet the person willing to take a bunch of junk from a stranger.

Try your local gaming store. If the shop won’t take them you can probably just leave them on a table with a post-it note that says “free” on any MTG night and they will vanish. Some kind soul might even part them out to make giveaway decks for beginners.

Defects could potentially make them even more valuable

I ordered a physical copy because I don’t trust Nintendo’s Switch store to be around as long as say Steam or Microsoft Store.

It’d be really hard to credit the artists whose works are being amalgamated into these generated “works,” since as I understand the process it can use hundreds from various sources all over the web. Existing AI programs probably would have to be rewritten a bit to store and output the “inspirational works” to give

I think it’s a lot more approachable than the other games for the majority of people. If you hit a difficultly spike in Dark Souls you have to go back and farm previous areas to level up, that can feel very grindy. In elden ring you can go explore and find lower level areas to discover and level up a little more

it’s not. “angry birds” was easily the most prominent of the original mobile gaming phenomenon and was intrinsically tied to the early generations of iphones. it’s one of the most significant video games released this century.

Understating, if anything. The Angry Birds Movie made 350 million dollars. It’s almost undoubtedly the single most culturally impactful purely mobile game ever.

It’s not.

This is Iron Bull slander and I will not stand for it. 

It’s good to see Kaiden Alenko finally getting the recognition he deserves. The man is so much better than Space Racist Ashley. 

Now playing

Since the Beatles copyright protection is so strong, you will have to play their version of All You Need is Love while watching the now muted AMV. Seems fitting

. . . just I Love Lucy for Gen X . . .

the transitions between the animated scenes and the in-game 3D animation is legitimately one of the slickest things I've seen, all the styling in this game is so good!

The fact they managed to pull-off a same-day release without the game leaking aside, is anyone else impressed at how close the cel-shading in this game looks to real 2D animation? Seriously, this is the first cel-shaded game I’ve seen where it can be genuinely hard to tell at times!

To Kotaku’s and your point, Chai’s first line in the reveal “Yup, that’s me!” is such an overused trope that I already got worried about the tone from the get go. I told myself, maybe they’re being tongue-in-cheek about it, and I had the luxury to try it out on Gamepass. The “trial” ended up being a 9-hour complete

Imagine being subjected to Chai’s worst lines as part of a character reveal trailer on YouTube, instead of warming to his Fry-From-Futurama-esque charms over the course of the game’s opening hours.

Also this:

The “litter boxes for furries” thing was great fodder for making fun of crayon-chewing morons like Joe Rogan, but there is a (likely) kernel of truth that should make decent people mad as hell. It seems to have originated with a story about a school ordering classroom supplies for use during lockdowns - including cat