I'm betting he built an electric Daytona because he built that sweet garage and then couldn't bring himself to put an old dirty, oily, awesome car in there instead...
I'm betting he built an electric Daytona because he built that sweet garage and then couldn't bring himself to put an old dirty, oily, awesome car in there instead...
@Jo $chmo: I'll take the physical challenge Ben!
@Ash78: The airport my dad used to fly his Saratoga out of (not a very big plane in the grand scheme of things) had his minimum landing length, and you had to drop it straight down as soon as you cleared the trees to catch the beginning of the runway to have enough space. Small Airport landings are so much more fun.
@pauljones: Exactly. My girlfriend wants to maybe use this to get a Mini and get rid of her beater Explorer. How do we find out how to get the moneys?!?
@OldeEnglishD gets no hat tip love: It is pretty amazing how much this video looks like that show - I really do expect Thomas to wheel out with some rambunctious coal cars...
@Madness: I've seen that article and I agree, it is brilliant.
I vote crack, simply because this should be in PCH not NPorCP... You'd NEVER find anything you need to finish that sucker off.
A Hummer with Chrome 20-whatevers...
I think my days would be about 100000 times more fun if I could take these as taxis to/from work. Then I'd egg my driver on to race the other ones through the streets to try to get to work fast... Now THAT would be awesome.
@TV's Paul Y.: More importantly, who is manufacturing a snorkel kit for these vans? I'm having a hard time believing there is that much demand...
I love how they've just put all the extra cars in the middle of the lot and are going around them - we don't need no stinkin empty lot while drifting our uber-expensive Rolls!
The dual ashtrays up front is a very nice touch, even with "matching" cloth on them.
@combat chuck: 90s Rangers that were flex-fuel capable had a silly leaf badge on them from the factory:
@leavethegun-takethecannoli: I think the problem has always been with designing a transmission that will handle the accompanying torque from the V12 at 700 hp for longer than a few days before it needs to be rebuilt, haha.
@pauljones: Not to argue too much, but there are TONS of speed limits at 70 on the east coast, I just drove up to WV last week and was in 70 zones quite a bit.
@Jan-David Soutar: Not that I would know, but check out Finalgear.com
@OMG! Bertone-77!: I've got 3 of those helis and a small airplane, those Air Hogs things really are awesome.
Creative flashlight storage...
@Taco#6 putting on the ritz: The ownership history in the book (picture 31) seems to disagree with the statement in the article TAI, the family looks to have bought it in '65 or so.