Sure, it might not be porous, but I would be concerned about ceramic breaking. Maybe I'm more concerned because I have my own ass in mind, and the thought of shattered ceramics sealed behind my sphincter is rather off-putting.
In order to be safe these will have to be so heavily coated you'll lose any "authentic" or "natural" wood feeling. I'll stick to silicone, steel, and glass for MY ass.
It's the same in Thailand
Watch out guys, looks like we got five-oh in the thread...
At least TBS actually uses the word saga in a way that makes sense. I still have no idea why King insists on throwing that on all of their dumb games.
baaaahahahaha DLC reference
Maybe because the people getting hit are the ones getting paid BY YouTube, while the supposed copyright holders are primarily the corporate giants who are paying Youtube.
Do you really think that would be enforceable on a practical level, given the scale of YouTube? I'm not trying to defend them, just wondering how far you've thought this idea through.
+1 for use of "Kafkaesque." Well done.
You really should. As an old-school tactical strategy fan, I HIGHLY recommend it, especially now that it's cheaper and improved.
Oh god, I spent so many hours playing this as a wee one...
Here's hoping they do...
I wouldn't even mind paying $30 like the PC gamers....even though that's expensive for DLC. And I suspect I'm not alone, so they could probably stand to make more by not being greedy about it.
I'm trying to avoid looking at the previews too much...if my expectations are low, i.e. just an excuse to play more XCOM, with a few twists, then I'll be happy.
Agreed. I bought the disc version, lent it out, then bought the digital version, and bought the garbage DLC TWICE because I can't stand to see my squaddies without decent helmets. And then they want me to buy it again. Still kinda pissed.
As I said in another post, I'm still going to buy it. I mean, it's fucking XCOM. Same reason I bought all the DLC for Skyrim, even after they screwed over us PS3 users, and even that Hearthfire garbage. There are only a few games I'm really beholden to, and XCOM is one of them.