I am so saddened by this.
I am so saddened by this.
That's not entirely true. The Brock Sampson figure you can order from http://www.entertainmentearth.com/. A lot of places offer their exclusives up at the Con first but any leftovers (assuming there are any) can usually be purchased afterwards from the manufacturer.
Here's hoping the man who made Wanted such a fun ride can smash horror and history together.
I'm not sure about the availability outside the US. Sorry. You could try this -
Hulu has the first 10 episodes up right now, so you could get try it out if you want.
1st Season 3.5/5 (mainly just 1st Season-itis, ie finding its feet) Starts a bit weak, gets better as it goes along
Your Yoda quote is actually from The Empire Strikes Back.
Yeah, I really felt like it was an R-rated version of The Scorpion King.
My little kiwi wings weren't good enough for Deloris, she had to have an albatross!
There's a lot of Kirby channeling going on here with a little John Byrne mixed in.
Everyone in the Fringe poster looks like a wax version of themselves, it's creepy.
The original Star Wars is only in 2-Channel.
But its gotta be a step up from the first one, right? How could it get worse? I think we've already seen the worst he can do with Knowing & Season of the Witch.
So the Ghost Rider poster doesn't have the official name of the film on it but a hashtag instead? Even as someone who uses Twitter, I find this insulting.
Cillian Murphy would be amazing.
I've gotten the two of them mixed up before, I thought Schaal had made Me, You, & Everyone We Know for a while.
You're probably right, but I always felt people in a dystopian mining community would always be a little grungy, no matter how hard they tried.
RE - The Hunger Games
My first thought. Tom Waits voiceover = awesome.