
FAT CHOCOBOS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! They look like peeps. ^_^


This is a movie that you love to hate. I would totally watch it again. I love the corny action flicks. :P

And there it is. :D

I hope Riot comes out with an "Arcade" of some sort where they store all these fun modes so we can continue to enjoy them. That would be fun. :D

His wife is haunting him and the children can see it. Also why he feels bad, well one of many reasons.

My husbad is a murder monster/buff machine with his Crusder. Have no idea what you are talking about.

He's not very consistant.

I would have to say my IUD (Internal Uterine Device). No pills, No shots, No patches, no periods, don't have to get my tubes tied and aside from the extra 10 to 15 pounds I can't get rid of it has kept me baby free for almost 4 years. Such a wonderful thing.

Damn you. Damn you. Damn you.

I kinda understand where you are coming from although I could watch the video. My main pet peeve is when I am talking to a friend on skype and they are eating and I can hear it. I do not know why, but it throws me into a rage. Murder, death, kill mode. My friends have quickly learned to mute their mics when they eat.

Right when I think I am at the bottom of the screen MORE LOAD. :O:O What is that even about?

I came here for this, thank you!

I have this too, so good.

Craters of the Moon in southern Idaho. This place is weird enough to pull you away from the world a bit and almost convince you that you are not on earth anymore. :)

That is interesting. One of my friends has been playing GTA5 on the 360 and had his single player game save partially deleted after playing online. Then a co-worker said his BF4 single save was wiped after online play on the X1. Wonder what is going on. All seems weird.

I'm not sure why this one didn't win.

I saw some Troopers from She-Ra in there too. I wonder if she has an appearance in the game.

Oh man that show was great.

This this this this this!!! I still pop this thing into my PS2 and play it once in a while. One of my all time favorite games.