
I have to agree with you there, i was a little shocked when i saw it. :( But alas, such is life. XD

just make a dummy twitter account, that's what i did haha.

You don't even know how much i want this game.

In Idaho we only have 2 seasons, Winter and construction. >.>

part of his quest. try it out.

I love coffee! I also love me a cup of hot chocolate every now and a again, for some reason always when I'm playing Skyrim. XD

its in falkstead (or how ever you spell it) it the city farthest to the south. you talk to the blacksmith. he want you to use meat to catch a dog for him, that's how you start the quest. Barbus is a good time, i took him everywhere with me, he wont die and he does a good amount of damage.

Now playing

Love Pogo. Toyz Noize is my favorite song. That and Upular.

The battle chest for D2 had the D2 Ex-pack and D1 included. I guess its just something they do. I think it's great.

Good god i hate twitch and the ass hole playing him >:( So yes i hate my brother.

I agree. I love the first game and 2 had its moments but lost all interest at 3. Basically anything Laharl did was gold.

I thought I read some where that it is suppose to be out in September of this year. But I am probably wrong. I'm also to lazy to look. :(

yes! I love LoL and as time goes its only going to get better.

I call for a photo shop contest for that picture of Tim. So much potential. >:D

omg yessssss XD i miss watching that show.

Someone posted this on my facebook and the pic thumb nail was small so it made the hands look like flowers. i was like, "oh that's cute". Then I saw the big red flower in the middle. I thought to myself, "that doesn't look like a flower." I squint, (I need glasses XD) then I click on the thumb nail to make it bigger.

i am totally with you on that. Pink Light Saber NAOW! please :D

I am currently playing this game right now. :D Was getting my son out of the game case and low and behold, there is was. I squealed like a girl, ran into the front room and started hitting on everything, in the game, with a vag. :D Awww good times. ^_^

poor yellow mage :(