
@Railgun5: i say that all the time .<

@joep1984: the Forsaken! although Sylvanas is about 2 shakes of a stick away from acting/being the Lich King. Silly girl :P

that is really cute lol! and as a mom i <3 nap time!!! lol!

@Smootie: you can always sell it when no one is looking lol.

@Myrddon: i miss thrall *tear*

@Ajh: I don't know. I don't think Thrall will be gone forever. unless i missed some lore somewhere. at this rate Garosh is going to tear the horde apart, or a better leader will take his place. I vote Surefang!!!

I would never want to take that suit off.

golden suuuuun! need to Convince the hubby to grab it for me :D

@Reill: true dat lol

@Rapenzie: Harvest moon is waaaaaay better. i love those games ^_^

@Nilgamesh: everyone always likes to see the little guy get kicked in the balls when he's doing a good job. such is life.

@excaliburps: its definently something to be thankful for ^_^

@einsteinisdead: no kidding, have you seen the people who eat random stuff? like hair, marbles, silverware. The human body is crazy lol.

@Foxith: silly people feeding the trolls :P

@Jerry Glonek: yea the price is ideal. makes me sad that i paid the full price when the ex-pacs were released lol. but meh, my husband and i have fun with it anyway.

@NothingCanLiveForever: i believe you have to have Original Wow and all expansions in order to play. so yes you have to buy Burning Crusade. BC is my Fav expansion so far.