
Yeah, I don’t get what folks are doing with PCs to die so fast. I’ve had 4 PCs (including an ASUS EEE PC, so cute!) and none just died on me. Got slow and annoyed me cause I was trying to do too much? Sure. But never a hardware failure.

I still have a Surface 3 (non-Pro) that I use from time to time. How does it compare to the Go from a purely CPU perspective? The 3 certainly experiences slowdown at times but I don’t know if this CPU is better or worse, all things considered. 

And looks like ABC just canceled it.

I get (but also REALLY don’t get) why there hasn’t been a remaster/port of Shining Force 3 for next gen consoles. Sega has so many fans. You mean to tell me there isn’t one fan community who has translated SF3 who wouldn’t love to make it official and ported to Xbox and PS? Come on Sega, get on it!

Yeah, that message doesn’t come across when you work for a city agency, especially in a culture where by union law we only work 40 hours a week.

It also sends the message that a worker should be up at all hours of the night checking email and they aren’t being productive when they aren’t working during typical office hours.

I love these. Any recommended apps or programs to make these? Sure, it’s possible to do one in Word but surely there’s programs out there that can make drawing the lines a bit easier.

Shining the Holy Ark remains one of my favorite RPGs. And the battle music! I loved how all the enemies more or less danced/moved to the beat.

I kind of read it another way. What if his friends are saying he should ask out “ugly” girls because the guy in question isn’t much to look at either? Based on the fact he’s a virgin at 21 (nothing wrong with that!) my first thought is that he’s not so attractive but goes for women beyond his league, and the girls who

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary is May 29.

I didn’t know this. Does Trixie identify as such though? I never got the sense from her media that she identified as PoC or even half (though I clearly could’ve missed something)

When I did Blue Apron there was always one extremely crappy meal compared to the others. Once there was a very unseasoned cod sandwich. And the worst part too, for the price you pay you still don’t get enough for leftovers for lunch the next day so I ended up spending more money than I would have going to the grocery

Bayonetta is full-on camp and that’s what makes it great. And really, why she is such an awesome character. Bayonetta is a woman as a drag queen and it’s extremely empowering.

OH. MY. GOD. That is adorable!!! More penguins need jumpers!!! I have to admit my knitting skills suck but I’m happy to improve my skill if it means giving back in some way.

I’m glad they got that URL before someone else did! Thanks for sharing.

Happen to know the name of the charity? That sounds like a really great idea.

There’s the whole “Americans don’t like listening to music that’s not in English” aspect of it. Even Despacito needed an English version with Bieber.

There are a few scenes where women talk about topics not related to T’Challa or any other man, specifically Wakanda itself and how each wants to protect their country by their respective means.

I recently got on the Excel budget train and it’s changed my spending 100%. I used Mint before and it didn’t work for me, but now that I use it with the spreadsheet and I have just a much better understanding of my spending. It’s crazy how much money I was leaving behind in weird purchases that can instead go toward

Thanks! This is super helpful.