
Solarte was still surprised by that low and away pitch. He was expecting something Chin-Hui, Tsao he was just glad it worked out.

Doze shuuz doe. Woof!

Google “Vancouver house prices” before you come.....that’ll slow your roll :) We have the same type of land availability issues SF does, and thats just part of it. For a city of just over a million people we have at least 5 MB dealerships, similar for BMW and Audi. We also have multiple Jag, Bentley, Range Rover, as

We are awash in Chinese money here, and super cars are a dime a dozen. My business partner lives near a high school that has an Aventador with an N sticker (new driver). Which is, obviously, nuts. I drive a C63 and see anywhere from 6-12 a day. I do NOT live in an upscale part of town.

The only place I know that tops that is here in Vancouver. That sounds like the first half dozen parking spots at UBC.

twin-turbo C63 and C65 AMG models are due later this year.

I bet you dollars to doughnuts that had he driven away before that happened they would be trying to pin it on him. They’d love to go there even still, with the spokesperson saying “the franchisee is reviewing information around the service visit”.

Thank god. I thought it was a durian. Those smell disgusting and tasted like diesel fumes sucked through a green onion. The stink is so bad you usually find them in the freezer. I dont understand those at all.

Its not the answers that were a mis-print, it was the question. The poll question was supposed to be “Who will have a mass shooting?”. Clearly, Toronto has no place in that poll, and so was omitted.

Like Kristen Stewart, she is a complete black hole of charisma. You can throw as much energy as you want in there, and none will be coming back out.

Well, French theatres are full of........French people.

the title banner graphic was even better.

Im not listening to a word you say until you stop yelling.

Man, this is the kind of stuff that brought me here in the first place, way back when. Well played, sir. Well played.

You on da pipe.

The pouch is perfect for an iv drip.


Gawker is welcome to the commission on this one. Well written, and follows Elmore Leonard’s rules for the most part (they work for non-fiction too, you are still telling a story). That right there is a good start.

The answer is always a C63. If you don’t the reasons I am going to list you are on the wrong website.

Annie Apple respeck.