
On behalf of men everywhere, who have daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, aunts, nieces, and female friends, neighbours and co-workers....I’m sorry. There are clearly men who are letting our side of the evolutionary process down in ways we can’t even imagine. I hope their daughters, sisters, mothers, wives etc find

Im giving you a star because you were tied with the OP at 18 apiece and you deserve the lead. Shouldn’t even be a tight race.

Who says the Chinese are no good in traffic?

The Panthers Are Out Of The Playoffs EARLY Because Of A Bad Call

breaking the rules all over the ice because the advantage to be gained is greater even after accounting the penalties that the refs will call.

That be right out of the Aaron Rodgers playbook.

Maybe buy a used portable dw of Craigslist. THEN this might be a good idea.

jeez my spelling was horrible in this post and its too late to edit. Apologies to all who read it. Half asleep on an ipad mini.

Ah. You would be the guy who would point out the 6.2l. Glad I got that pre-emotive note in there. :) But if you want to be precise about it, at this point in my mod history I’m actually pushing more like about 600hp and 575 lb ft, and the number of guys in ToyoBarus who think those are quick are legion. Older 6 cal

Still better than the woman on the right - the one with the Limited Edition Tina Turner Goes Ginger wig.

Maybe dont sit on the glass then.

I have some concerns re saddle sores.

She Hass the XX Factor and I have the XY, and that's good enough for me ;)

Forget the horses. Id ride that woman in the hat photo. Good teeth, great legs.

Can confirm. Im in a black on black C63. Everyone wants a shot at the 6.3 (which is actually a 6.2, which is neither here nor there but if I don’t say that someone else will). I get challenged all the time, with most of the challenges coming from cars that have about 25-30% the power.

Karting is pretty cheap. And fun.

When I was a kid we lived in Colombia for a while, and we used to have peanut butter and avocado on toast. No one in our group was even in pregnant.

That first can of corn thing pretty much sealed the deal for me. Baltimore FTW!!!

Oh for the love of Mike, why did I carry on? Detroit right behind Boston? Fuck me.

I got to 7, where I saw Philly, and lost any hope of a sane and rational discussion taking place.