
Oh yeah? Well,

Funny is good, but a key ingredient of the successful go-to story is something that the present audience can relate to - something from childhood etc. Know your audience.

If I order some Jambalaya, I am certainly gonna notice the couple big shrimp popped right up in the center, and I may even mention them when the waiter sets the plate down, but the rest of the ingredients are working pretty hard there too amirite? Without them, them shrimps is just some naked veiny shellfish on a

"What? In Panama you say? Well, I don't know about patent or copyright laws down there, but they certainly seem to have stolen some of the elements of my grift. Yeah."

The first time someone* said "there's a sucker born every minute" was about 1860 and there were 1.2 billion people on earth. There are now about 6 times that. Simple math shows us that should bring the interval down to about 10 seconds. Advances in computer technology have surely reduced it another 90%, and now there

I think I can work with that.

That never occurred to me until you said, but you are absolutely correct. He really does make a point of that each and every time.

Thank you, sir. You've been very helpful. But, sir?

Fitness guru is too vague. Throw us one last degree of direction pls. Makes fitness equipment, clothing, supplements, is a well known trainer...writes books, makes videos.....???

Enquiring minds want to know and TMZ aint telling us :)

Sorry. I dont get what the deal is here. Please enlighten me.

There was only answer that could make me nod my head and say......"cool". That was it. Well played sir.

blast it at 100Amps

Thats a quality smoke show.


Oh. I can't just keep hammering on the star button a 1000 times? Disappointing. I tried.

OK the 55o hp in a minivan is one thing, but HOLY SWEET JESUS did you see how flat that thing cornered? THAT is impressive. Our Odyssey would be barrel-rolling like Roscoe P Coletrain's cruiser if I tried that.

OK. I read this shit cos I tripped over it and sort of thought "let's see how crazy this stupid shit gets" but I had no idea who Amber Rose is, barely no KK #whatever, and I am not into twiiter, instagram etc.

Its true. I think that says more about current Corvette styling than it does about McLaren. There are some socks being pulled up in the GM design department. Well, parts of it anyways.

Here she is on instagram boys:

Might be intimidated by the extra long, extra curly tail.