
Yeah, it's generally a solid festival. I'm a little disappointed the big headliner who closes the festival out is Death Cab For Cutie (the last day of the festival apparently takes place in 2005) but other then that, it's good.

A saturation point is static, it doesn't have a minimum or any range; you either hit it or you don't.

I appreciate your point, but your specs seem arbitrary. Why not 4K over 1080P? Or 120 FPS?

The Nick Jonas is, of course, mostly a joke. It's an evening show and there's nothing else going on so if there's *really* nothing else I can find to do I'll just smoke up and go.

Don't worry. I knew exactly what it was, haha. My very first blu ray purchase actually, it was 8.99, I couldn't believe it.

Still touring, can you believe it? I'm sooo jazzed!

And then someone drops a virus vial, it smashes and everything locks down with the insane little girl AI killing everyone and Michelle Rodriguez leads a pan-ethnic group of marines through a mansion with a bunch of mutated zombies and nearly everyone dies and one of the amnesia stragglers gets all Nemesis-ey after he

I'm going to the Ottawa Blues Fest in a month to see a few concerts and, uh, enjoy conspicuous substances whilst doing this. So far I'm definitely going to see:

I don't think I've ever read a preview that dripped more apathy. I feel a little sad and tired just having read it.

Oh, really? I haven't read that. Have they mentioned how they plan on implementing multiplayer? With Nintendo's track record, I can't see them throwing everything behind online, unless PSN and Live have *really* won them over. But hey, if they have internally admitted that the friend codes are a busted concept and

I'm okay with this because I think, graphically speaking, we are approaching a saturation point wherein the differences in graphics will be, for the most part, of interest mainly to those with a technical knowledge/appreciation of game engines, etc. For your average consumer? I'd hazard that the next generation of

Barebacking Roy Cohn in a brothel in Hell, I'd imagine.

Now playing

Tedious? Watch him speak, the man is the opposite of tedious. He also seems like he'd mess you up for calling him such.

At this point with Steam having such a massive goodwill following, as well as the variety of other comparable services, why EA would try a proprietary solution is beyond me; they are, first and foremost, a publisher and should stick to that. God knows that they'd make more money just allowing a free market wherein

But this guy helped shelter Clinton to the point that he never suffered any broad popularity loss from a major sex scandal. That's damned impressive, even if Clinton's general personality helped with that a lot. For a company that involuntarily invades peoples privacy 24/7 with their permission he's a boon in terms of

There's no court case to report on, and thus no further disclosure given that the terms of the settlement are confidential. What would there be to write?

Be gentle. Hippies are volatile and possibly combustible when their bullshit is exposed [citation needed]

Word up. A little niche, but my vinyl collection gets 90% isopropyl alcohol'd up every 3 months.

Apparently I can't promote you just by hitting the magic button and have to respond. So since I'm here, well done on the analysis of altered, globalizing trends in the American military and the shift to civilian targets. Long-form commenting is a dying art around Gawker Media sites so I wish I could promote you twice.

When it comes to racist ignorance you're goddamn right I am.