
Anywhere from 7-10 depending on the size, I thought the median was around 2 gigs/game.

Where's my fucking Skies of Arcadia sequel and accompanying HD re-release of the original, huh Reggie?

That's one of my dream places to go. The Alamo Drafthouse sounds like the awesomest movie theatre on Earth, if I could get tickets to Buttnumbathon I would die a happy man.

I was always under the impression that the accuser doesn't need to consent to criminal charges— once they've stepped forward, even if they're just in it for the civil suit, the DA can take over at their discretion.

You can (and in these womens cases) definitely should do both.

2000s go from 2000-2009 actually, just as the 90s go from 1990-1999 and the 2010s go from 2010-2019.

MSNBC is far closer to a balanced look at the news then Fox could ever achieve, and they're both hyper-partisan so that's saying something. Give me an analogue to Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly or Ann Coulter and then we'll talk.

Your definition is good, with the sole correction that piracy runs from the very late 15th century-mid 17th century.

This will surely cripple any compatibility with any Scott Pilgrim media.

So, is crufty a cromulent word or what?

That parking lot looks a little far for my liking. Where's the monorail, Steve?

What kind of staffing does a data center of that size need? Parking seems sparse.

"They bomb a church, we bomb ten. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourists, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that it becomes unthinkable to attack Americans. "

Well played