
As long as you had Skies of Arcadia: Legends, Sam, your dorm could still be the ultimate party. Vyse and Aika are all you need. And Drachma always brings the good shit.

Q: Where does, literally, 97% of Google's revenue come from?

Disagree. Yeah, it's not a fascimile of the laissez-faire style of college, wherein attendance by and large doesn't exist, but at the minimum in high school you can actually fail and there is nothing really binding they can do to stop chronic truancy. Plus, it really shouldn't be part of their job, but that's idealism.

Classy's not a very classy word; also, you apologized for snark and proceeded to be a condescending little prick at the next sentence.

Envy. There'd be a Corporatist revolt if this was ever suggested in Canada.

...waitwut? Truancy is chronic missing classes, tardiness is being late for classes, so in that instance I have no idea what you mean as it is apple to oranges. I want them held accountable for both to varying degrees dependent on severity. The rational public does hopefully share my view. I probably don't share your

And at that point you ask the student why they miss class all the time, and if the answer can be confirmed at a parental level, then you look at protection service intervention.

When I was in HS a few years back, the board started a website, so if a snowstorm was suspected everyone woke up at 6:30 (deadline by which they'd update the website) and inevitable rapturous joy/crippling sadness would ensue. By Gr 12 this included Facebook status updates reflecting the outcome.

What about having a parent who works a night shift? Bet they'd love getting a wakeup call 30-90 minutes after finally getting to bed.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is parenting.

Civil War era? Weren't daguerrotypes about as close to photographs as were around then?

I understand it, I think it's difficult for anyone who did not grown up in America to understand the impact of 9/11. Americans, insofar as America from 1776 onward, and certainly from the point past 1812, are not particularly used to getting attacked. Canada, owing largely to the colonial experience, was not able to

Yeah, I'm sometimes tempted to mention it but due to the inability to see if it's legit with a decal I don't bring it up. If it is illegal it's just icing atop an already heinous cake.

But it's a decent case study of how the public can and will appropriate disturbing images, and can contribute to the decision to release it or not.

I hadn't thought of that one, but it's not a bad no. 557674433 on the list of reasons this truck shouldn't be.

So, evidently this pic ain't going up. It was that truck with the Confederate flag in the back window and the 9/11 mural on the back captioned with "Everything I Needed To Know About Islam I Learned On 9/11".

A visual argument for this point.

The thing about those cash cows is that they get accelerated corporate resources, like a guaranteed budget and top-tier talent alongside a built in marketing momentum and locked in distribution. These things leave only the actual man hours it takes to build it, which really is, unless you're trying out a radical new

That's a recent issue with me at Kotaku, unfortunately.

All very well said and needed, but my personal taste takes umbrage with one little detail. A well placed "Yo dawg, I heard" NEVER fails to crack me up. The other memes? Yeah, I could take them or leave them.