
What I am saying is that those concepts only work if you’ve already been made aware of and anticipated the shutdown of the hanger production line and defined it as a negative side effect.

You do realize that while the article you linked involves chocolate, it doesn’t actually reveal anything whatsoever about the health benefits or toxic effects of chocolate consumption at all, right? It doesn’t actually support your argument or help refute mine.

This just in: The science on EVERYTHING is still out, dietarily speaking. The human body is so complex that it’s almost impossible to take a simple food and say whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea to eat some of it. Even in toxicology, the dose makes the poison. Is a little zinc necessary for life? Yeah. Well,

That’s because whether you’re going to the moon or Mars, every space voyage is basically a suicide mission the very minute that things go even slightly pear-shaped.

Schmidt is clearly brilliant, but he really lacks the respect for the unknown that would be required to be a responsible supervisor of a general AI, even a stupid one.

Considering the fact that his company is directly aligned with data analytics, and the fact that he knows he’s among the top 10 percent most targeted individuals on the planet, he’d be a fool not to cover the camera and disable the microphone. The black tape likely covers a dummy plug that activates the switch in the

My wife is an award winning chocolatier. Modifying real chocolate to make it flow better at higher solids content isn’t scary. What’s scary is that one of our major low end “chocolate” companies is attempting to sell you shortening in your chocolate because it’s so much cheaper than the delicious wonderful cocoa

What people fail to understand is that journalists on television, on the radio, and online are some of the least informed people on the planet. Many of them are actually less informed than your Aunt that you only talk to on Facebook. You know the one.

Uh, something just a bit off in your mathematics there, bub

I don’t understand how you draw this conclusion from the picture.

“A copper foil sheet is used, along with argon gas, in a furnace to drive out oxygen that spits graphene onto the copper foil sheet.” This sentence makes no scientific or linguistic sense.

That’s an easy conclusion to jump to if you’ve never designed or created anything even once in your life.

I find it hilarious that China has a patent and copyright office. That nation has invented nothing save for knockoffs of other nations’ IP in four decades. Even their scientific papers and theses are rife with plagiarism. You can’t even get a fried wonton in that nation without wondering if it was fried with grease

My skeptical spidey senses also pegged the meter.

The reason you don’t find it a logical train of thinking is that you’re confusing morality for logic. Is it logical to experiment on the mentally retarded if that allows you to eventually cure the disease in utero? Yes, it’s logical. Is it compatible with human compassion? Maybe not. But it’s logical because if your

It’s all fun and games until the swelling cuts off your air supply, or fluid build up drowns you in your own mucus.

You had me until Daredevil. Daredevil is battling organized criminal syndicates, one of which is the Triad.

Animal research is a complex issue, but at the end of the day, I must side with my own species. If I must choose whether 200 monkeys suffer from Parkinson’s disease for 10 years, or whether a million people must suffer from Parkinson’s forever, I must choose that the monkeys have it, because that choice means that we

A casual read of this list leads me to conclude that Yahoo has no ideas, but it sees people who might have ideas, and it buys them out and shuts them down without exploiting the ideas.

puro sceleratus, qui futuit