I know, right, like LITERALLY the worst. THE. WORST. Worse than the motherfucking Holocaust. They’re worse than childhood bone cancer.
I know, right, like LITERALLY the worst. THE. WORST. Worse than the motherfucking Holocaust. They’re worse than childhood bone cancer.
Yes, of course they are, and if I had my way, they’d all quit believing in stupid superstitious nonsense right away and just realize that all of the promises of virgins and golden streets and other bollocks are not ever going to be kept, and that we’re all on this lonely ball of stone together.
Believe me, if religious and political leaders were urging people to follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy verbatim in this country, I’d fucking take note. Because I’m an atheist, and I wouldn’t simply give them a pass for not being Muslims.
I’m a liberal pinko commie libtard and all, but I have noticed that there’s this tendency among some people to assume that everyone’s essentially decent and all they need is a good hug and some convincing.
For what it is, it’s not that bad a choice of focal length. The problem I see is that it’s an underwater cam with a flash right on top of the lens. So long as their TTL system doesn’t try to give full illumination but merely fill, that won’t be a problem above the water, but underwater, the sheer light power right…
They don’t have to be sexist, racist or intolerant. All that’s required is that we’re the first sentient “other” they encounter- they may not even be FAMILIAR with the CONCEPT of racism. Or sexism.
Yeah, usually it’s because sometime between “wouldn’t it be neat if” and actually making it, we discovered a previously unknown significant element of suck to our ideas.
I’ve been working in hardware tech for 20 years. You DO NOT want “flexible” or “bendable” electronics. We can’t even procure reliable ribbon cables. The metalized layers still work-harden and fail.
The best way to look for aliens is passively. We need to observe, receive, and listen, NOT transmit. The last thing we should want is to be discovered by a civilization that’s already colonized their local group. They aren’t likely to see us as “people”. It’s wishful thinking to believe that every advanced and…
I love how the video says “spans about 70 acres across”.
That’s Bernie Sanders’ campaign issue, not Trump’s.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t come back to some bullshit this old, but you’re having trouble counting. At the time of your above post, it had been TWO days, not six.
That would have to be decided by a judge, and the pattern of behavior that came before it would probably be highly relevant to the decision.
Yeah, not seeing it. I see arcs. Smears. And I see some cherry picking in the areas highlighted by their accentuating sketch. There are areas of smear that they clearly chose to not include in the highlight. Areas that are CLEARLY contiguous and contemporary to the white material smear.
Probably. If the message had been benign or neutral, it might not have gotten much of a reaction. But after an OOP, even “darling, come back to me” would constitute harassment.
From the tagged post, yeah, it’s pretty obvious that she knew her victim would get a notification and read her hateful words. That’s contact, and it’s not even benign contact. It’s a deliberate attempt to continue a documented pattern of harassment.
No, you can use the tag function to tag ANYONE.
Those privacy rights you supposedly champion apply to those who’ve sought orders of protection as well. If you don’t think that tagging someone on facebook when you’re already not permitted any contact (usually due to a previous record of documented fuctardery, douchbaggery, or assault) and calling them names violates…
It’s Gawker media, what did you expect here?