Welcome back to Sunday Sustenance, the weekly column of simple, delicious meals for the laziest of weekdays. We’ve…
Professional chefs and home cooks alike look down their noses at single-use kitchen appliances with one exception:…
Eating lunch at your desk seems like a good idea. After all, you get more work done, show your coworkers how hard…
Tough, fibrous stalks, herb stems, and the tops of root vegetables all make excellent pesto.
Due to its low-ish smoke point, olive oil isn’t the best choice for searing meats or other single-layer,…
A week or so has passed since school’s been out for the summer, which means you’ve likely already plowed through…
Give Kids Stocks Instead of Toys
I split the difference, and give them cans of chicken stock.
I like to divide my life into two eras: the time before I knew about preserved lemons and the time after I knew…
I live in Phoenix and have been trying to figure out what grass would be most appropriate for everything considered. Zoysia! Brilliant. Rocks are so hot. We do have a small patch of artificial grass in the front which will stay but is very hot to walk on. I want to replace the rocks in back and plant grass. I will try…
Agreed! When I took classes (years ago), there was a huge focus on learning characters but I really just want to be able to talk to people.
Here’s something I hope you’ll address in a future article in this series: how to keep from waking up as soon as you’re lucid. That’s always my problem — snapping to lucidity seems to jolt me out of sleep entirely.
It was a bonafide miracle we didn’t have the other two boys go sympathetic vomiter on us as well. And I found out to my chagrin that vomit can etch dark leather. The spots never really went away.
We have a “Gag Bag” in the family hauler. It has paper towels, baking soda, febreeze, and gallon-size ziplock bags...maybe some stuff that I’m forgetting too. Anyway, the baking soda is a great absorbent, and makes scooping stuff out easier. Each of our cars also has those ziplock bags in the seatbacks and I have made…
Sometimes you will get a warning, something like “Daaaad, I don’t feel good.” Or you may just get the faint sound of…
There’s an app for iOS and Android called “ChineseSkill” that is very Duolingo-like in its interface, and people have given it very good reviews. You might want to check it out.
It never hurts to have one deep-fried... not saying it’s real/authentic sushi, just that deep fried is different and tasty.
I understand that you are feeling disappointed. You prejudged parents who would use this technique and assumed that they are not very good parents. Instead, maybe you could try assuming that most parents do try to explain things to their children and do try to help their children understand their feelings. Maybe…
Most people who click on this article won't finish reading it. So says Nick Carr. The New York Times will remind you…