Well there's a sample app on apple's developer site whereby you can share a contact card ala bump or android beam and it's instant as well. No setup, no setup, just launch the app and put it close to another BTLE device running the app. Took about 1/5 second to show up from my observations. Haven't used Android beam

bluetooth uses wifi (device-to-device network) to transfer files, it's faster than NFC. anyone transferring files over BTLE without ramping up to BTHS is an idiot.

You realize bluetooth uses wifi to do actual large data transfers as of 3.0 and is far faster than NFC? bluetooth LE is optimized for low energy interactions, like pedometers, heart rate monitors, mice, paying for things, etc. You always have the option to ramp up to a better protocol for a transfer.

Nope, Bluetooth 4 has security, NFC basically doesn't. It's already been shown to be vulnerable to spoofing and eavesdropping with little technical knowledge.

Remind me which phone had BTLE in it before the iPhone? Everyone wants mobile payments which requires security which pretty much requires that you not use NFC.

I wonder if the gender neutral toy department will even work, after all aren't the "themes" toys come in essentially "pink-girly-homemaking and shopping" and then everything else is for boys? Isn't that the problem in the first place? So you'd still wind up with a "girls section" so to speak.

Grab a free developer account and start reading docs. Apple's documentation is actually pretty good.

So American weapons = awesome.

And they sold how many phones? I mean Nokia is going out of business that's not exactly winning anything.

You know there's this awesome solution to spam, has something to do with approved commenters approving other new commenters. Maybe using a badge system that I dunno might take the form of a star.

Who said I use a tablet?

Actually I have looked at a large portion of iOS's source code as a good deal of the libraries it uses are open source, and of course xnu is open source, always has been. The mobile version is just compiled for 32 bit ARM. But you are right reading the code of the OS isn't why I choose to hate android, that is thanks

No you aren't, as it is obvious that is what you intended to do. Even now referring to me as a fanboy is another attempt to get me riled. But it won't work, as honestly I don't have enough consideration for those who use windows to be concerned with what you think. Maybe once you learn to use a big-boy OS I might care.

My birth would provide a good counter point.

Actually it sounds like you do. I'll take a reliable OS thanks. I need something I can use to work not fiddle with to get working.

And I make sure no one I know or meet will ever touch an Android device with a ten foot pole. Isn't it nice to have balance.

Except for the development environment, OS, or community. You know minor stuff.

Oh wait, America is dragging the average down with a mere 5". The French have them beat by over an inch.

Gimp is even cheaper and does the job well too.
